Professional Headshots with Social Distancing

We are living in strange, unprecedented times which has affected everyone, in both large ways and small. Many of us are working from home and making sourdough bread, rather than facing the slog of rush hour and buying ready made lunches.

Perhaps now more than ever a high quality professional headshot is an important addition, not only for your LinkedIn profile but any platform where you are in communication with distant employees, customers or potential employers.

As we cannot have the same face to face opportunities we had pre-Covid-19, we now have to communicate profile to profile. Just a few short months ago having a professional Zoom avatar was an unfamiliar concept. After all, in February most of us had no idea what Zoom was, other than a brightly coloured ice lolly from the nineties. Now Zoom, Teams and other video conferencing platforms are almost a part of our every day lives. It is hard to convey your best self with a poorly lit unflattering grainy web cam image. Many people are simply opting to use a professional headshot during video calls. It also means you have the freedom to yawn without anyone getting offended.

I am back running shoots, although sticking to outdoors for now to minimise risk, and have seen a lot of interest from business professionals looking for headshots. Outdoor shots are a little less ‘corporate’ than in-studio with a plain background, and therefore provide more warmth, which is great to convey online. Especially when you don’t have the opportunity to do so in person.

Maxim Vinciguerra