Frequently asked questions

If you have a question that isn’t answered on this page, please feel free to contact me.


How many tops should I bring? 

For each package there is a guide number of tops that can be used during the session. This doesn’t mean you can only bring that number with you. Bring as many as you like. We can then make a decision together as to which you should wear. One thing to ensure is that they have as few creases as possible, no logos or fancy patterns, no animal hairs, fluff etc…

What are proof images? 

Proof images a low resolution samples images from the shoot. These are provided within 24 hours of your photoshoot for you to select the images you would like edited. No proof images may be used for any reason other than review to choose images for editing.

How do you choose which images are included in the online gallery? 

I select to be the best ones from the whole shoot, looking at areas such as lighting, focus, background, variety of facial expressions, etc. 

How many images are included in the online gallery? 

Anywhere from 10% of the total shots taken during your photoshoot. 

For each package there is an estimate for the number of images included in the online gallery. This number is not a guarantee. Actual number may be more or less. 

Can I have the unedited/RAW images? 

I don’t supply unedited/RAW images for a number of reasons, a couple of which are below.

Copyright and Intellectual Property: As the creator I retain all intellectual property rights of all images I capture, along with any edited images provided. This includes the sole Copyright. For more information on copyright, please see clause 4 of the Terms and Conditions.

All packages are priced based on the shoot length and the specified number of edits, which are provided with a licenced for personal, non-commercial use.

For more information on copyright and licencing, please see clause 4 and 5 of the Terms and Conditions.

Quality control: RAW files are the digital negative of a photograph. Images require post production to control the quality of my work that's in the public domain. 

Can I, or someone else edit the images? 

As with above for quality control, I do not allow this. It is also against the terms of copyright. 

How much are additional edited images?

Additional edits start at £25 each, dependent on the package and/or amount of work required and can be purchased from your online gallery.

I want to do outdoor shots. What if it's raining? 

My outdoor images are done under a bridge, so rain/cloud/too much sunshine are rarely a problem. The biggest issue can come from the wind, which is very good at messing up hair.  If the weather is too bad, the session will be carried out in-studio.

What if I need to reschedule because of an audition or illness? 

I'm aware that unforeseen events happen and of course recognise the importance of auditions. With this in mind, I try to be as accommodating as possible when it comes to rescheduling, however if I am unable to fill your slot, admin fees may apply. For more information on this, see clause 2 & 3 of the Terms and Conditions.

What if I don’t like the images?

Whilst this isn’t a frequently asked question, I thought I should cover it here. For in-studio sessions, the images are displayed on screen throughout the shoot and when outside, I intermittently show the images on the camera screen. The quality of the images will match, or be better than those displayed throughout the website. If you have any issues during the shoot, please feel free to raise them and I’ll try to accommodate, however if the expectation is to create images unlike any of my previous work, it may not be possible. There is no right to reject the images for any reason and no refund is given. For more information on this, please see clause 6.3 of the Terms and Conditions.

Is there parking?

There are on street parking spaces which are approximately £5ph using PayByPhone.