Infinity Focus Photography

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Tortoise was booked for his photoshoot on Wednesday 20th, however when he hadn’t arrived thirty minutes after the shoot was due to begin, I called him and he said he was having a bad hair day which had led to him leaving home late. I asked him when he expected to arrive, to which he replied “In about 112 hours.”, so I offered to go to him for the shoot as I could make it there in about 10 minutes.  

As we prepared for the shoot, I asked how he could have a bad hair day when he doesn’t have any. He was visibly upset as he explained he meant his lifelong rival/friend ‘Hare’ had called to inform Tortoise that he was moving to Suffolk with his new wife and thirty six babies. Hare felt they needed more space to exercise than London could offer. Tortoise tried to talk Hare out of this big move, as he couldn’t understand how there wasn’t enough outdoor space in London. For Tortoise, a reasonably sized back garden was plenty of space to exercise, not to mention the fact we have Richmond park.